AceText™ Discussion Forum

When you buy AceText, you don’t just get a piece of software. You’ll join an active community of people that use AceText on a daily basis. You can find them on the AceText forums which are built right into the software. Simply select Help|Forum in the menu and you’re on.

You’ll find AceText’s forums far more convenient than your typical web-based forum. A big benefit is that they support file attachments. You can directly attach the files you’re working with in AceText. Even screen shots taken with the Print Screen key can be attached directly, without using a graphics program to save them first. When reading messages, you can select which attachments you want to download and whether to save them or open them directly.

The forums are of course also the best place to get technical support for AceText. Somebody from Just Great Software checks the forums at least once daily to answer technical support questions that haven’t been answered by other AceText users yet.

Only US$ 39.95
Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10, and 11
32-bit & 64-bit
100% satisfied or money back
free trial download

How to Get onto The Forums

  1. Buy, download and install your own licensed copy of AceText.
  2. Start AceText.
  3. In AceText, select Help|Forum in the menu.
  4. Type in your name as you’d like it to appear on the forum.
  5. If you want to receive email copies of forum messages, turn on that option and enter your email address.
  6. Click the OK button on the login screen.

That’s it! Since the forum is right built into the software, your AceText license is automatically used to log you onto the forums. No need to create an account or remember any passwords.

“This forum is nice and compact. I find useful new input every time I come here.”
— Martin Zaske
  7 March 2017, Benin